The Angle of the axis upon which the
sub-atomics particles rotate.
ARPS is determined by the
core rate of internal fission-fusion (Merkaba
Field Speed and axis angle) with the fixes Partiki
units that form the scalar-standing-wave
template of the dimensional frequency fields.
Rate of particle fission,
oscillation and Merkaba
Field spin rate, increase upward through the Dimensional
Scale creating progressively less-dense state of matter.
(Voyagers II – Page
A Planet progression through one
Continuum creates a 45°
shift in the Angular Rotation of Particle Spin
order to understand the dynamics involved in such time continuum
shift, it is helpful to realize that the structure and
illusion of linear time is created through the
pulsation rate of particles and their relationship to that of other
(Voyagers II – Page 146)
is through the multidimensional relationships between angles of
particle and anti-particle spin (ARPS) that multiple reality
fields (Harmonic Universes - HU)
can take place in the same space, while remaining invisible to each
other. As a planet evolves through this process. the rate of
particle pulsation, and thus the speed at which it moves,
progressively increases, while the density of matter progressively
is the process of evolution
through the 15-dimensional scale.
(Voyagers II – Page 147)
All Reality
Fields (Harmonic Universe - HU) take place in the same space
but appears to be separated and "invisible" to each other due to
Variant Angular Rotation of Particle Spin.
ARPS determines the Matter
level of each Harmonic Universe or Reality Field.
(Voyagers II – Page